North East Derbyshire District Council’s Conservative Group has reaffirmed its commitment to opposing any fracking applications which may come forward locally in the area.
The Conservatives, who run the local District Council, were elected to power on a manifesto which included a pledge to continue working with local MPs and residents to oppose fracking locally.
Several local Conservative Councillors have also been actively involved in the local campaign against the plans for exploratory drilling at Bramleymoor Lane, near Marsh Lane, since they first came forward in 2017. This includes delivering thousands of resident letters and leaflets to help raise awareness of the plans, hosting meetings and attending and speaking in opposition to the planning committee and appeal hearings during 2018.
In 2019, the Government put in place a moratorium which prevented any further fracking sites coming forward. However, in recent weeks and in the face of mounting energy bills and concerns over our energy security, the new Prime Minister Liz Truss’ Government has reversed the moratorium, albeit with a pledge that fracking would only happen where there was a clear public consensus behind it.
Commenting on the recent situation, Unstone Councillor and Leader of NEDDC, Cllr Alex Dale said: “We’re disappointed the Government has chosen this path and we do not support the lifting of the moratorium, but we urge the Prime Minister to stand by her pledge to not to allow fracking unless there is local support for it. Clearly there is more detail to come on what this means in practice, but anything other than a clear ability to say no to fracking locally will not be acceptable.
“While other areas can decide for themselves what they want, here in North East Derbyshire, we have already demonstrated that it is very strongly opposed by our communities and we deserve to have the ability to say no and be listened to.
“Whatever the coming months may bring, we remain absolutely steadfast in our commitment to opposing fracking anywhere within our District. We will continue to work with residents, campaign groups and our MPs to oppose any new plans or applications that come forward.”