Over the last 4 years the North East Derbyshire Conservative-led District Council have pursued an ambitious programme of reducing our carbon footprint:
- We’ve upgraded two of our leisure centres to run without fossil fuels, using the latest energy saving equipment, and our new Sharley Park leisure centre will be ultra low energy use, making it cheaper to run and better for the environment
- We’ve also invested massively in insulating hundreds of our hard to heat council homes, helping reduce energy bills for hundreds of local families and helping the environment by improving energy efficiency
- We’ve cut down our energy and carbon use in our council buildings and produced a Climate Change Action Pack to help and support local parish councils and groups to do the same
- We launched some EcoSchools action grants to support local schools with innovative projects such as planting and reducing their plastic use
- We’ve been supporting tree planting across the District and we’ve planted several new Community orchards
- We’ve also trialled leaving some verges to grow to encourage biodiversity and help our pollinators. We’re pledging to roll this out - and looking at other ways to make our green spaces and verges more wildlife friendly.
Your Conservative-led Council is focused on reducing it's own carbon footprint and also supporting local communities to get involved in environmentally friendly schemes. Working together we all get to benefit from a cleaner, greener North East Derbyshire.